
It’s also a place where6.75亿人每月登录,which means you’ve got an audience ripe for targeting, with the help of the LinkedIn Insight tag.

You might know the Insight tag by its aliases: the Linkedin tracking pixel, or the LinkedIn conversion pixel. Does a LinkedIn tag by any other name, uh, track as sweet? It sure does—as long as you’ve added it to your website code.

请继续阅读以了解LinkedIn Insight标签的好处,如何安装代码以及如何使用它为广告创建重新定位列表。



This will leave a cookie in the browser of any visitors. That way, whenever someone with a LinkedIn account comes to your website, you can target them again on LinkedIn later.


您也可以使用像素来跟踪转换,因为潜在客户单击LinkedIn广告到您的网站。什么can’tthis thing do?! (As it turns out: make me实际的不幸的是饼干。)

Facebookpixel does the same thing, but for your Facebook audience. (You probably guessed that though. You’re smart, I can tell.)在此处查看我们的Facebook像素的安装指南。



Adding a LinkedIn Insight tag to the pages of your website (including any subdomains or blog sections!) will allow you to track exactly who has visited your page.

The LinkedIn Pixel tracks conversions and events, offering an opportunity to learn what’s working—or what’s not—and gain valuable insight into your ad campaigns.



All-knowing, all-powerful—you’re basically the Wizard of Oz, but for the world’s biggest business networking site.


要使用LinkedIn像素,您需要将该JavaScript代码放入网站的代码中。戴上一些无指的手套和钱包链就像你在电影中HackersIt makes it more fun. Trust me.


  • 登录并前往LinkedIn广告系列经理
  • 单击“帐户资产”,然后从下拉菜单中选择Insight标签。
  • 单击安装我的洞察标签蓝色按钮。


  • From here, click the Manage Insight Tag and then select See Tag from the drop-down menu.
  • 选择“我将自己安装标签”复选框以查看Insight标签代码。


  • 将Insight标签代码复制到剪贴板。
  • On the backend of your website, paste this Insight Tag code right before the end of the tag in the global footer on every page of your site, including subdomains.


  • 前往LinkedIn广告系列经理,然后单击帐户资产。
  • Select Insight Tag from the drop-down menu.
  • 在这里,您应该在标记域下看到您的网站名称。
  • 一旦LinkedIn成员访问,您的域将被标记为“活跃”。

Keep in mind that it might take up to 24 hours to show up. If nothing is happening after you’ve practiced some patience, you might want to check outLinkedIn支持关于这个话题。


So now that you’ve got a LinkedIn Pixel in your life… now what?

It’s essentially a magic tool that can help you find out which LinkedIn members have visited your site. Not only that, you can specifically target demographics within the LinkedIn membership for a more specific marketing campaign.

  • 前往竞选经理
  • 单击帐户资产,然后从下拉菜单中选择匹配的受众。
  • 单击“蓝色创建受众”按钮(页面右上角),然后从下拉菜单中选择网站受众。
  • 给听众一个名字,并添加您要重新制定的网站URL(又称您放置LinkedIn标签的域。)。
  • Click Create.


当然,这样做的时间将取决于您网站的流量量。For a detailed break down, head to the official LinkedIn troubleshooting page.


如果您想在创建重新定位列表后开始使用LinkedIn广告,请查看Hootsuite’s guide to promoting your LinkedIn page。(要记住的事情:您只能在过去180天内重新定位访问您的网站的用户。)

How to set up LinkedIn conversion tracking with LinkedInPixel

Another thing you can do with this helpful little Pixel (your new BFF, basically) is track conversions from your LinkedIn ads.

  • Head back to that trusty Campaign Manager.
  • Click on Account Assets and choose Conversions from the drop-down menu.
  • Click Create a Conversion (top right).
  • 给您的转换一个名称(您只能看到这一点)。


  • 现在,输入您的设置:
    • Conversion type:这定义了您将跟踪哪些行为。也许您想知道有多少人正在观看您的新音乐视频,下载PDF或填写铅表格。
    • 转换值:This is optional, but if there’s a dollar figure associated with the action, it could be helpful to enter here to really see the ROI of your marketing investment in hard numbers.
    • 转换窗口:无论是一天,一个星期,一个月还是三个月,这是计算转换的时间范围。
    • 归因模型:Here, you’ll define how each ad interaction will be credited for a conversion.
  • Next, use the checkboxes to select which campaigns will be monitored for conversions.
    • 如果您没有具体选择任何内容,则帐户中的所有广告系列都将自动与您的转换相关联。
  • 选择您首选的转换方法(洞察力标签),然后输入您要跟踪这些转换的网站的URL。
    • Tip: This could be a Thank You or confirmation page that is revealed after a visitor has completed the desired action (for example, signing up for your newsletter).
  • 可选:使用布尔规则以更具体地了解URL算作转换的内容 - 可以是“具有此确切的URL”,“从此URL开始”或其他参数。
  • Click Create!

当您的广告系列运行一段时间时,请回到Campaign Manager to take a look at the analytics并确切地确定整个营销计划的成功程度。你甚至可以download campaign reportshere for the account as whole, or specific campaigns.

I can guarantee you’ll do better than I did with the results of my fake example ad. You’re welcome:


So there you have it: that’s the inside scoop on the powerful tracking potential of the LinkedIn Pixel.



Easily manage your LinkedIn Page alongside your other social channels using Hootsuite. From a single platform you can schedule and share content—including video—and engage your network. Try it today.
